Support Your Library

Did You Know?

  • Ohio’s public libraries receive LESS in state funding than what they received in 2001 — a 24% reduction in funding over the last 15 years with no adjustment for inflation (see chart below).
  • More than 8.7 million Ohioans are library cardholders (that’s three-fourths of Ohio’s population).
  • Ohio’s public libraries provide nearly $2.7 billion in direct economic value to Ohio residents.
  • Ohio has the HIGHEST LIBRARY USE per capita in the United States.

PLF Line graph

Who’s My Legislator?

Public Libraries…

  • provide public access to the Internet, computers, and the latest technology (including mobile WiFi hotspots, 3-D printers, and more)
  • help Ohioans find jobs with resume help and job search assistance
  • offer literacy and homework help centers
  • serve as a place for the community to gather
  • provide life-long learning opportunities and programming for all ages
  • offer well-rounded collections