Contact Legislators

Who To Contact…

Use your zip code to find your legislators:


What To Do…

Always remember the three most important principles when contacting legislators in person or in print:

1. Be accurate
2. Be brief
3. Provide information they do not have

Identify yourselves, including city, county and library.

List bill number(s) of issues that concern you.

List why the bill is a (good/bad) idea; legislators want to know who is touched by your issues and how they are affected.

Personalize to your library; share a story that tells the impact of each bill/issue.

Be specific in what you want; vote yes, vote no, speak to someone on a committee, etc.

Tell why your position is a good idea; if possible, give 3 reasons.

Be sure legislators understand the following:

  • Who you are
  • What you want
  • Where the issue is in the process
  • When the next step is likely
  • What the effect is on real people in your library/community

Keep it short; no more than one page per issue is recommended; if you need to do
so, send more information later.

Always follow-up with a thank you note for the meeting.